Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027
¡Estamos muy contentxs! Nos ha sido concedida la ECHE (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education). Ésta es una acreditación imprescindible para poder implementar proyectos dentro de la acción clave KA1 en el ámbito de la FP de grado superior. Os animamos a que presentéis vuestras candidaturas para las becas de movilidad y a que participéis de las diferentes actividades que organizamos en el marco de nuestra estrategia de internacionalización.
We are ecstatic to inform you that the IES Algarb has been granted the ECHE (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education) up until 2027. This means that our Comission will be able to carry out several projects related to the key action KA1, to mobilities for advanced VET students and teachers. We hope you'll be by our
side during this new stage, in which we will strive to keep managing inclusive, transparent and sustainable quality projects.
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