Alumnat preseleccionat curs 2018-2019 / Preselected students 2018-2019

Quan estam a punt d'acabar el curs i després de valorar les vostres sol·licituds, publicam la resolució d'alumnat preseleccionat per a gaudir d'una beca Erasmus + durant el curs 2018-2019.
Recordau que hi haurà una reunió informativa a la biblioteca el dimecres 27 de juny a les 10:00.
Bon estiu!!!!!!

Just before we are about to say goodbye to this academic year and after considering your applications, we are publishing the lists of the preselected students who will be able to enjoy an Erasmus + grant in 2018-2019 academic year. 
Remember that there will be an informative meeting on 27th of june at 10:00 at the library and you are encouraged to attend.
Have a nice holiday!!!!   

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