Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020
A l' IES Algarb se li ha concedit la carta ECHE!!! Estam molt contents i il·lusionats per poder continuar amb la nostra feina. Esperam que ens acompanyeu en aquesta nova etapa. Podeu clicar aquí per veure la carta ECHE.
IES Algarb has been conceded the ECHE letter!!! We are very happy and excited for being able to continue working . We hope you'll be by our side during this new stage. You can click here to see the ECHE letter.
IES Algarb has been conceded the ECHE letter!!! We are very happy and excited for being able to continue working . We hope you'll be by our side during this new stage. You can click here to see the ECHE letter.
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