LListat d'alumn@s i calendari / Sudent's list and calendar
Ja tenim el llistat d'alumn@s que han presentat les sol·licituds bé per aquest curs o bé pel següent.
Si clicau aquí podreu veurer-lo. Si trobau que hi ha alguna errada, per favor consultau amb nosaltres.
Així mateix, podeu consultar el nou calendari on figuren les dates de les reunions, entrevistes, ... Les entrevistes i les proves només són pels alumn@s que s'hi presenten per fer les estàncies durant aquest curs acadèmic.
We already have the list with the students who have presented the applications either for this academic year or for the next one. You can have a look at the list here. If you find any mistake, please let us know.
You can look the new calendar up, where there are the specific dates for meetings, interviews, .... These interviews as well as the tests are only for the students who want to enjoy the training programme this academic year.
Si clicau aquí podreu veurer-lo. Si trobau que hi ha alguna errada, per favor consultau amb nosaltres.
Així mateix, podeu consultar el nou calendari on figuren les dates de les reunions, entrevistes, ... Les entrevistes i les proves només són pels alumn@s que s'hi presenten per fer les estàncies durant aquest curs acadèmic.
We already have the list with the students who have presented the applications either for this academic year or for the next one. You can have a look at the list here. If you find any mistake, please let us know.
You can look the new calendar up, where there are the specific dates for meetings, interviews, .... These interviews as well as the tests are only for the students who want to enjoy the training programme this academic year.
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